ATF Legal

ATF Legal Area and Resources

Solvent Trap Co.’s intent is clear and detailed throughout our website, and it is the customer’s responsibility to use Solvent Trap Co.’s items as recommended. Using a solvent trap during routine cleaning helps improve firearm safety, reliability and overall performance. Solvent traps catch and trap solvent which also helps protect your skin from potentially harmful chemicals during bore cleaning processes. Our eco-friendly cleaning kits help firearm owners do their part for the environment allowing you to recycle, store, and/or dispose of solvent properly. A solvent trap cleaning system helps improve safety and reduce risk for police officers, government officials and firearm owners. Solvent traps help users clean their firearms without the risk of inhaling chemicals from solvent or having it come in contact with their skin.

Solvent Trap Co.’s ATF legal Area provides helpful resources and information about staying within the BATFE regulations, restrictions and the process relating to filing a Form 1, and receiving back an approved Form 1 form the BATFE. Although our products are sold. Solvent traps can be purchased legally without a Form 1. However, you cannot modify, alter or redesign them into a device for silencing, muffling or diminishing the report of a firearm without first filing & receiving back an approved Form 1 from the BATFE. Please be aware of the restrictions and regulations. Moreover, our ATF Legal Area was created to provide additional resources to inform and educate our visitors and customers about compliance and the legalities of solvent traps.

Working together to reduce headache and runaround for our fellow ATF officers. Be Compliant And Be Safe!